September 30, 2006

So Beautiful.

Wow. I'm in Assisi at the moment and I can honestly say that I wish you could see what I see right now. Assisi is an extremely picturesque little town built on the top of a mountain. At the very top is an old castle which defended it in medieval times. Assisi started as an old Roman town an it still has the old temple of Minerva at the center. It has been since converted into a church. I'm staying near the top of the mountain in a hostel and just a block down the road is an absolutely gorgeous view of the valley behind the town. Another block or two away is the old castle from which you can get a view of Assisi and almost the whole valley surrounding. Many of the buildings here are centuries old and have merely been adapted for the modern world. My room for example, has electricity but no right angles. Most of the town is made from this pink stone that is mined in the area.

The house where St. Francis was born is no longer standing and in it's place is the Chiesa Nuova. The room where St. Francis was born along with with his old habit is preserved there. The Basilica of St. Claire houses the original cross that spoke to him. The chapel of San Damiano, which St. Francis rebuilt, is still intact along with the convent that St Claire founded at the spot. We visited the chapel earlier today. The Basilica of Santa Maria degli Angeli is built around the chapel of St. Francis' old community. The old chapel building is still inside and has frescoes painted onto the outside now. The descendants of the rose bushes that he rolled in and which lost their thorns are growing on the grounds of the Basilica.

The walk to the top of the mountain is arduous, but definitely worth it. I doubt I've ever seem any view so awesome and the air was so incredibly clear. It's cool to think that St. Francis once looked upon a similar view when he left the city to go to his hermitage and pray. Definitely. Assisi is awesome.


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